Some surgical errors should never happen

Some surgical errors should never happen

Three forms of medical malpractice in a surgical environment include the following:

  • Operating on the wrong patient
  • Operating on the wrong body part
  • Performing the wrong procedure on the right patient

These types of “wrong-site, wrong-procedure, wrong-patient errors” (WSPEs) are known as never events because they are so wrong that they should never occur.

They harm patients physically, but they also wound them emotionally and mentally. Imagine the horror of waking from surgery to find your leg amputated when you were only supposed to have a routine procedure.

You can obtain compensation for surgical errors

Nothing can replace a missing body part or heal the deep scars of an unnecessary operation. However, you can hold the surgeon responsible while obtaining restitution for the harm you suffered. All three of these events are egregious forms of medical malpractice.

Documentation can strengthen your claim

Even though your medical injuries are obvious to you, proof is still necessary to prevail in your bid for compensation. Documented evidence such as the examples below can help prove your malpractice claim.

  • Hospital/medical records: These records will detail the procedure you were meant to undergo and where on your body it was supposed to happen.
  • Health care provider bills/invoices: These documents help establish malpractice by providing an itemized list of your charges, including the surgical procedures performed on you.
  • Shared correspondence: Sometimes, communications (like emails) between you and the medical facility and any pre- or post-surgery documents given to you can further support your malpractice claim.

It’s wise to find out more about Louisiana medical malpractice and injury compensation laws. Having experienced legal guidance can help you hold those responsible for your harm to account.

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